In my family, all the women are creative. For example, my grandmother loved to sew and create clothes. She carefully chose the fabrics, assembled them, studied the morphology of the person, for whom she was created clothes. As for my mother, I always saw her with a brush in her hand, painting whenever she had a free minute.
Expressing creativity was bringing them fresh air in their daily life, devoted to their profession, household chores and education of children.
When I was a child, it was enough to give me paper and a pencil to occupy me for entire afternoons. I have always liked to draw. Pick a theme and then create around it. I particularly like to draw in black and white: choose black sheets, and draw with white pencils. What I really like about it, is being able to work on the shadows and the lights, and the proportions of the body.
One of my first creations is this drawing of a pregnant woman. I didn't want to give her a face, since she can represent every woman. Black and white allows to highlight the power of a body that carries life. I wanted to show something raw and powerful. We can also see the subject as a metaphor of creation. When I look at this drawing years later, I see it as a representation of the power of women embodied by their creativity, whatever its form.
"Color is descriptive. Black and white is interpretative". Eliott Erwitt

I hope you like it.
I'am really impressed by your nude representation because I'am learning to paint nude people at the "Ecole des Beaux Arts" and i think that it is a really hard and complex project! The body of the future mother is so powerfull of life !
Here is all of the beauty of art according to me, the fact that art can represent everything and everyone, there is no discrimination, no more, no less, art is beautiful, attractive, and inclusive, it's more than just an act of painting, taking a picture, drawing... It’s, to me, a real definition and expression of feelings!
I spent 2 years in art at university, that didn't make me feel happy at all… But it's thanks to articles like yours that I went back to art for my own pleasure and own free will! Your drawing is incredible. Thank you!
I agree. Your drawing is incredibly powerful and reminded me of Francis Bacon - maybe because of the erased face, which for Billa suggested pain and suffering. I personally was less struck by a sense of sacredness than a sense of corporality, sensuality, power and strength. A fitting rendering of the richness and complexity of creativity!
I must tell you that I was particularly struck by your drawing. He exudes tremendous strength and power. I also find something terrible in your work, dramatic, I don't know if you wanted to convey this emotion by making the drawing. The fact that the woman has no face, for me it looks like a wound that would exclude her from humanity. Perhaps it is an exaggerated impression, produced also by the absence of colors, which creates an almost sacred atmosphere. Your drawing represents for me a sacred scene, that of pregnancy, of the beauty of the woman about to give birth, of the beauty of the woman in all her truth, without idealization. From the pain of the woman…
It's very nice to see a shared passion in the family!
Your drawing is very beautiful! 😍 I would love to know how to draw like this!